الخميس، 18 نوفمبر 2010

The Safest Place in America: Front Sight

There is a place just outside of Las Vegas, Nevada, located on 550 acres of land, that is going to change the world.

Founder and Director, Dr. Ignatius Piazza, created Front Sight to be the safest place in America. He wanted it to be a place where people could live, work, shop, go to school and enjoy entertainment, as well as receive the best gun training in the world, be able to carry weapons for self defense and live fulfilling lives. Being ranked the greatest gun training school available, Front Sight Firearms Training Institute is well on its way to reaching Ignatius Piazza's dreams.

Front Sight opened its doors in April of 1996 and has grown considerably since then. Currently, Front Sight offers the best gun training, knife training and empty hands self defense training that money can buy. Concentrating on gun safety, shooting effectiveness and shooting speed, as well as other important aspects of gun training, Ignatius Piazza's gun training courses outrank the courses at other firearms training schools.

Believe it or not, this gun training school started out very small. Just a few students gathered together to take a handgun training course from Ignatius Piazza. The students loved the course. Since then, Front Sight has grown to epic proportions, thanks to Ignatius Piazza's hard work and research, his dedicated employees and testimonials from his students. In fact, Front Sight has at least doubled in size every year since its opening. If you do the math, that means that Front Sight Firearms Training Institute offers gun training courses to thousands of students every month. But it's not surprising, considering the curriculum Ignatius Piazza put together.

Gun training courses at Front Sight include interesting lectures, gun handling demonstrations and finally, hands on tactical gun training that is based on on real life situations. There is not another gun training school in the world that can offer the quality of training that Ignatius Piazza and Front Sight provide to students every single day. Each student gets personal attention from Front Sight gun training instructors, ensuring their success in the course. Front Sight courses are fast paced, but never leave any student behind to figure things out for themselves, creating a challenging and rewarding experience for every student that steps foot on the range.

Ignatius Piazza wants to change the world's view of firearms, creating a positive image of safety and security, because that is exactly what a gun in well trained hands can bring. If someone knows how to safely use a gun, that person is more able to provide family protection, practice self defense and increase the safety level of everyone around.

There are several places in America that make it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to own a gun. Now, Front Sight Firearms Training Institute offers a place for Second Amendment Supporters to go to learn how to keep their freedoms and right to bear arms. Front Sight has taken the gun world by storm, and Ignatius Piazza doesn't plan on stopping here!

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