الخميس، 18 نوفمبر 2010

The Bitch And Broken Promises!

Well Darlings,

If the changes to university funding and child benefits are anything to go by, we're in for a very stormy winter. It seems to me, everybody accepts something has to be done about the unsustainable debt the country has amassed, until it affects them. Please God, let me love my neighbour - and make him pay off all my debt!

Don't you find the number of Liberal Democrat voters now screaming the party has welched on its pledge to oppose a rise in university tuition fees, quite amazing? I mean: what did they realistically expect? Any party that, in normal circumstances, doesn't have a hope of seizing power can, and usually does, promise the ridiculous. Why did these people vote for it? Could it be because NEITHER of the two main parties offered what they wanted?

Though it was a bitter pill to swallow for some followers, the Lib Dems did the honourable thing by forming a coalition with the Conservatives. It was the only party with any hope of sorting out our catastrophic economy. Anything else, any other combination in the given circumstances after the election, would have seen the country on its knees by as early as today. Such is the power of the money markets.

When one votes for a party with absolutely no hope of forming a government on its own, and then by a fluke it has a share of power, and at least a few of its policies get onto the statute book, and several Conservative policies are tempered by its insistence, isn't that reward enough? But for the whingers, there is every chance here for the nation to see some Lib Dem policies in action, and, should they work well, that can only be to the party's benefit. With support, it can take them nearer to the day when they can form a credible government on their own, but they need to remember: in this setup they are only the tail, of the main three they had the least number of supporters, so they cannot expect to wag the dog.

Being at the smelly end may not be pleasant, but if the Lib Dems can hold their noses long enough, they might one day get the end with the teeth. It's all about leaving behind the virtual world so many wallow in today, and facing up to reality.

Facing up to reality with our universities is long overdue. Tony Blair's 'education, education, education" idea, where one day just about everybody will go to a university, plainly doesn't work. All it does is dumb down the standards, and see people with degrees driving dustcarts or serving hamburgers. The evidence is out there.

In my day, a university education was free. However, it was only available to those who could prove they were worthy of it, and regardless of background, whether they were rich or poor, they had to be the cream off the top of the bottle. It was a system that worked well. Unstrained, our universities were well funded, tuition was free, and they remained amongst the best in the world, so unlike today where, by including the lowest possible denominator, many were hardly rated in a recent survey.

We could easily return to free university education, if only we had a government with enough guts to stand up and say: our children are not all equal, and we must provide according to each child's need. We should encourage more apprenticeships, and vocational colleges and training centres, and begin to see these as being just as worthwhile as a university education. Equality should not require everybody to be exactly the same, but only treated equally, with equal respect. When we learn that, we shall give hope to the generations of underclass we have created; those with no hope in life at present. They didn’t just appear from nowhere – we created them!

The Bitch! (15/10/10)

The Bitch Says: It's Not Plain Sailing!

Well Darlings,

To the little man in the street, the nation's security remains a mystery. He pays a lot of money for it, in taxes, and just hopes all is well. But is it? Recent news shows us, a nation's security can also be a mystery to those in charge of it. Bill Clinton knew where he had put some things, however apparently they didn't include the launch codes for the nation's nuclear missiles. I guess, were things to have ever become hairy, the future of the United States might have depended on a shot in the dark. Perhaps it's just as well then that, at the time, few knew about the president’s shortcomings.

In the UK, our shortcomings are not so well hidden. David Cameron has revealed the coalition government had little choice but to go ahead with the building of two new aircraft carriers, simply because of the penalty clauses and guarantees agreed to by the last Labour administration. Apparently, as part of a fifteen year agreement to protect jobs on the River Clyde and in Portsmouth, these include paying the shipbuilders to do nothing for twelve years should the contract be cancelled. Nice work when you can get it, isn't it? What nutcase agreed to that? There's not another business in the world that would sign up to such a contract when placing an order!

With the decision to decommission HMS Ark Royal and retire our Harrier jump jets, this will leave the UK without a jet-bearing aircraft carrier until 2020, when (if they are ready on time) the navy will receive fifty joint-strike aircraft for HMS Prince of Wales, the second of the ships to be built. HMS Queen Elizabeth, the first, will be commissioned for just three years, between 2016-19, and then only as a helicopter carrier, before being mothballed, or possibly sold. Er, isn't our slip showing a bit here?

Quite simply, I am not happy when the prime minister tells us there has been a thorough assessment, and Britain will still be able to cope with all foreseeable military threats. It's the unforeseeable ones I'm concerned about! We didn't see war in the Falklands coming, and were totally unprepared for it. Though we have that covered now, who knows how much the rest of the political world might change in ten years? To the best of our ability, we should remain capable of coping with any eventuality; it is the first duty of the government, and regardless of cost.

Yes, more often than not, we pay for protection we never need use, but only because without it we would not be protected, and very probably regret it. This country's defence should rest on what it is capable of doing if challenged, and not on poking its nose into other countries' affairs, invading them, and trying to impose its will. It worked in the Cold War, it is what war and defence is all about, not the Marquess of Queensberry rules. When attacked, there should be but one goal: to win. We should not pussyfoot around. Hurt us, and we annihilate you! End of!

Like it or not, it keeps the peace!

The Bitch! (22/10/10)

The Bitch Says: The Elephant Has Dumped!

Well Darlings,

You pays your money and you takes your choice: is the 2.9% increase, instead of the proposed 6% increase in the EU budget, a victory for David Cameron, or a defeat? One thing is for sure, though: when it comes to the European Union, Britain sure pays its money!

An extra £430 million in contributions from a nation so poor it relies on the US for its "independent" nuclear defence, and will soon be relying on France to provide planes for its aircraft carriers, and on a French "spy in the sky" to detect anything tailing its naval fleet, seems a bit steep to me. It also seems more than a little stupid!

Have we forgotten about the Falkland Islands already? Did we learn nothing from that war? The US wouldn't openly back us in defending British people (so much for the special relationship!), and the Exocet missiles our lads were dodging were being provided by France, a country that made no bones at all about declaring which side it backed! Let's get real here, the way things are going, we might as well have an army of chocolate soldiers, an airforce of paper planes, and a navy of cockleshells!

We are spending a fortune in taxpayers' money on a defence system which, if push ever came to shove, is almost totally dependent on the cooperation of other nations. Has no one in government ever thought to question: at what price would that cooperation come, should it ever be needed? Or perhaps even more importantly: can we guarantee getting that cooperation in all matters concerning British sovereignty? If history tells us anything, it is that the answer to both those questions is not favourable! In times of war, treaties are often not worth the paper on which they are written!

It is time for our government to wake up and smell the coffee! It stinks! There is not only an elephant in the room, it has undoubtedly dumped!

In the Human Development Report for 2009, where statistics were compiled by the United Nations Development Programme to rank countries according to their education, wealth and life expectancy, Britain slipped a further five places and is now ranked 21st, only marginally ahead of Slovenia and Greece. In the report two years previous to this, we were rated as 16th. And if proof were ever needed that "Things Can Only Get Better" under Tony Blair, but never did: way back in 1990 we were ranked 10th. Those figures make me question: is it really right to expect Britain, a country so drastically in decline, to pay as much it does towards the European Union?

I'm not anti-Europe, or even a sceptic, but fair's fair! We may never have a better time, than under a coalition government, to stand up and say: sorry, but enough is enough. We need every penny we can get our hands on to put this country back where it deserves to be: somewhere near the top of the league, and once more able to defend itself competently, without fear or favour!

The Bitch! (29/10/10)

Bring Back Hard Labour!

In 2004, following a legal challenge by John Hirst, a man convicted of killing his landlady with an axe, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that Britain's blanket ban on its prisoners’ right to vote was discriminatory and violated human rights. The then British government sat on it, hoping the problem would go away. It didn't. So in 2009, Peter Chester, a man convicted of raping and murdering his niece, launched a legal challenge claiming Britain's blanket ban on its prisoners’ right to vote was violating his human rights. Doubtless he wants to be one of those 70,000 prisoners who, unless we over-rule our own parliament and conform, may soon benefit from this so-called violation, costing the country something like £50 million.

Seems to me some of our prisoners have too much time on their hands! Can we not bring back hard labour and the chain gangs? Here are two men convicted of murder, who in committing their crimes immediately deprived their victims of every one of their human rights, demanding that they should be given the vote as a human right. What goes on here? Why have we allowed these criminals ANY human rights?

We may not like some of the laws we have to live by in a civilised society, but decent people obey them. Those who don't are guilty of violating society's rules - and if these people cannot live by our rules, I don't see a case for them living by our rights. It is only through obeying rules that we can enjoy those rights, we pay for them in that way, so we cannot have criminals, who choose not to pay the same price as us, benefiting from the same rights. Simples!

Perhaps the European Court of Human Rights should try visiting the planet Earth on which I live! For decades now we have been giving criminals more and more rights, making life more and more cushy for them, and giving them stupid things like theatrical courses to attend (that many of us could never afford!), all in the name of rehabilitating them. The result? The latest figures from the Ministry of Justice show that 74% of those convicted of a criminal offence will reoffend, and more than half of them within a year. It sickens me!

If this country needs to save money, and it does, I know where I'd start! Bread and water, no perks whatsoever, and forced hard labour for any serious crime. This would decimate the number of reoffenders almost overnight. Only when those who obey the law live noticeably better than offenders will crime really not pay, and we shall all sleep safer in our beds!

The Safest Place in America: Front Sight

There is a place just outside of Las Vegas, Nevada, located on 550 acres of land, that is going to change the world.

Founder and Director, Dr. Ignatius Piazza, created Front Sight to be the safest place in America. He wanted it to be a place where people could live, work, shop, go to school and enjoy entertainment, as well as receive the best gun training in the world, be able to carry weapons for self defense and live fulfilling lives. Being ranked the greatest gun training school available, Front Sight Firearms Training Institute is well on its way to reaching Ignatius Piazza's dreams.

Front Sight opened its doors in April of 1996 and has grown considerably since then. Currently, Front Sight offers the best gun training, knife training and empty hands self defense training that money can buy. Concentrating on gun safety, shooting effectiveness and shooting speed, as well as other important aspects of gun training, Ignatius Piazza's gun training courses outrank the courses at other firearms training schools.

Believe it or not, this gun training school started out very small. Just a few students gathered together to take a handgun training course from Ignatius Piazza. The students loved the course. Since then, Front Sight has grown to epic proportions, thanks to Ignatius Piazza's hard work and research, his dedicated employees and testimonials from his students. In fact, Front Sight has at least doubled in size every year since its opening. If you do the math, that means that Front Sight Firearms Training Institute offers gun training courses to thousands of students every month. But it's not surprising, considering the curriculum Ignatius Piazza put together.

Gun training courses at Front Sight include interesting lectures, gun handling demonstrations and finally, hands on tactical gun training that is based on on real life situations. There is not another gun training school in the world that can offer the quality of training that Ignatius Piazza and Front Sight provide to students every single day. Each student gets personal attention from Front Sight gun training instructors, ensuring their success in the course. Front Sight courses are fast paced, but never leave any student behind to figure things out for themselves, creating a challenging and rewarding experience for every student that steps foot on the range.

Ignatius Piazza wants to change the world's view of firearms, creating a positive image of safety and security, because that is exactly what a gun in well trained hands can bring. If someone knows how to safely use a gun, that person is more able to provide family protection, practice self defense and increase the safety level of everyone around.

There are several places in America that make it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to own a gun. Now, Front Sight Firearms Training Institute offers a place for Second Amendment Supporters to go to learn how to keep their freedoms and right to bear arms. Front Sight has taken the gun world by storm, and Ignatius Piazza doesn't plan on stopping here!

The Bitch: For Better or Worse?

Well Darlings,

Providing a decent safety net is maintained for those people who genuinely need it, I think the UK government's reforms to the welfare state make a lot of sense. However implementing the changes in a country where for so many, both in and out of employment, 'playing the system' has become a whole way of life, may be a great deal harder than many believe.

Where the public sector has grown so large that it now dwarfs the private sector, and percentage-wise is nearly twice the size as can be found in places such as even China, change may not come without a fight. Today, with so many jobs depending on the state and state intervention, we have a situation where more than half the electorate, fearful of losing their jobs, could turn on the government, possibly bringing it down.

We must never forget, in the UK we are ruled by consent. No matter how much sense they might make, other than by setting the troops against the people - one order our military bosses would probably not obey, the government could find many of its objectives unattainable should that consent be withdrawn by even a sizeable minority.

The recent fifty-thousand strong students' protest, where rioters occupied Conservative Headquarters on Millbank and forty-one police officers were injured, might need to be a warning. Demonstrations have a nasty habit of snowballing into riots. The police were unprepared for the sheer size and force of the demonstration, and could and should have handled it better. However were such a vibrant and determined demonstration to kick off in several places at the same time, simple arithmetic suggests the police would have little hope of maintaining law and order.

Many will sit back and tell you such a thing could never happen here, the British are not like that, but I cannot find any comfort in their confidence. We have become a different nation since the minority demonstrations of yesteryear, those such as the miners' protests against Mrs Thatcher's policies, and these proposed changes affect a much broader church. The poll tax riots of twenty years ago, where the government was forced into submission, were bad enough, but may yet seem as nothing if the government fails to keep the majority of people on its side.

Our health service is now amongst the worst found in Europe, our education system fast going that way, and according to a recent survey, Britain has become the worst place to live bar Ireland. Everybody agrees something needs to be done, but unfortunately: so long as it doesn't directly affect them.

Regular followers will know, I always maintained the general election would be a good one for the Conservatives to lose. I still believe I was right. Mr Cameron's decision to fight and form a government might yet be his biggest mistake. Yes, without his determination we may very well have been bankrupt by now, with everything in short supply and millions more out of work, and quite possibly our everyday affairs being ruled directly by Europe - shades of 1976, and Labour's Callaghan administration, however from that position there is only one way to go. In that situation the people will unite and strive to improve matters. Today I fear too many don't know of those dark times, or have forgotten them, and may need a reminder before fully backing some of the government's radical changes.

Things can only get better - but they may need to get worse first!

The Bitch! (12/11/10)

The Wheels On The Obama Care Bus Never Go Round and Round... They Just Fall Off

Since the legislation known as Obama Care was passed back in the spring, it seems like a good time to revisit the legislation and see what has happened in the health care industry since then. Unfortunately, for both the President and millions of Americans, early indications is that this legislation will make a bad situation worse. Keep in mind, two of the big reasons for passing this bill was to provide health care insurance coverage to the 10% of the population which does not currently have health care insurance and to reduce the high cost of health care insurance and medical treatment in this country.

How is the legislation doing vs. these objectives? Not good. Consider:

- In the August 20, 2010 issue of Fortune magazine, there was an interview article with the chairman of AT&T, Randall Stephenson. Although most of the article focused on AT&T's marketing and financial situation, the closing question was about AT&T's likely response to Obama Care. Mr. Stephenson was very clear with his answer. He did not want to drop health care coverage for his employees but under the new legislation, it was a better business decision for AT&T to drop its employee coverage and pay the much smaller fine to the government for not having a health care plan. He discussed "economic gravity" which appeared to be code words for "if my competitors take this path (dropping health care insurance programs) which makes them financially stronger, than AT&T would do so also." Thus, rather than reduce the number of uninsured Americans, this legislation might actually put hundreds of thousands of current and retired AT&T employees on the list of those that do not have healt!

h care coverage insurance.

- This was not the first time that AT&T was in the news regarding the new health care bill. In a Fortune magazine article on May 6, 2010, it discussed the fact that AT&T, Verizon, Caterpillar, and John Deere, among other companies, had created financial reserves in the billions of dollars to possibly pay for the increased expenses the health care legislation would incur, implying that these and other companies might drop health care coverage for their employees also. This ticked off Congressman Waxman of California, who demanded to see all of the internal documents these companies had produced relative to Obama Care and scheduled Congressional hearings to review the documents. Waxman initially thought that the companies were making up fear stories to discredit the legislation and he wanted to go after them. However, after reviewing the documents, he abruptly cancelled the hearings, apparently realizing that the companies were right in anticipating higher health care insurance costs for their employees. Now, we are not looking at hundreds of thousands of AT&Ters losing their health care coverage, we are looking at millions of Americans losing their health care coverage as a result of Obama Care.

- It gets worse. In a September 30, 2010 Wall Street Journal article, it was reported that McDonald's had warned the Federal government that it also might drop its health care coverage for its restaurant employees since the new legislation was incompatible with some specialized health care insurance plans ("mini-med plans" which are popular in the retail and restaurant industry) it had for its employees. They were asking for a waiver to the new law or they would have to drop their plans since they could not be in compliance with the new law.

I guess the drafters of the legislation never did their homework to understand how mini-med plans might be affected. Since about 1.4 million Americans are covered by these types of insurance plans, the potential is there to add over a million more people, in addition to the millions of AT&T, Verizon, Caterpillar, and John Deere employees and retirees who may lose their health care insurance coverage.

The other sad part of this situation is that we are already seeing companies looking for exemptions to the law. It is never a good sign when a new law may have t grant exemptions to its own rules within months after the law takes affect. This shows that someone, or everyone, in Congress did not do their homework on the ramifications of this bill.

- In that same article, it is stated that health insurance companies have already proposed a round of double digit increases in premiums in order to cover some of the mandates in the new law. Looks like between the financial cash reserves that bigger companies are setting aside for anticipated higher costs and the insurance companies asking for more money now from their premiums in order to cover the requirements of the law, that we are not going to see any abatement in rising health care costs as promised by Obama Care.

- In a very ironic twist, a November 4, 2010 Associated Press article reported that AARP was raising its health care insurance premiums anywhere from 8-13% in 2011. Part of the increase is due to generally rising medical costs but part of the increase is also due to Obama Care that the AARP vigorously endorsed. AARP is trying to avoid a 40% tax on high cost plans that will take effect in later years under the law. The article mentioned that Boeing employees are also going to see an increase in their insurance premiums as a result of the 40% tax. Thus, at least the law's unintended, mostly bad, consequences, does not differentiate friend from foe.

- But it gets even better (or worse, depending on your perspective.) In a November 12, 2010 Associated Press article, the reporter profiled a breast cancer surgeon who had posted a warning in her waiting room that she would stop taking New Medicare patients if Congress allows looming cuts in doctors' Medicare compensation to become law. If nothing is done quickly, Medicare payments to doctors will decrease 23%.

Although this crisis has nothing to do with Obama Care, it is instructive of how things will likely unfold in the the future. This specific cost cutting process started back in the 1990s as an attempt to get Medicare costs under control but the implementation of the law was constantly pushed back year over year. The article quotes sources as saying that if the funding is not restored, two-thirds of doctors would stop taking Medicare patients, endangering the health of tens of millions of Americans. The cost to the government of another delay to the original law's implementation? About $1 billion a month, $12 billion a year.

Why is this important? Obama Care calls for hundreds of billions of dollars to be axed from Medicare payments to doctors over the next decade. In fact, most of the flimsy financial justification for Obama Care assumed that these hundreds of billions of dollars would be saved by shorting the doctors relative to what they get today. However, if the majority of doctors are going to stop taking Medicare patients as a result of the government taking $12 billion away in payments, how many doctors do you think will stop taking Medicare patients if the government takes away hundreds of billions of dollars?

It would get ugly real fast. But I am pretty sure what would not happen. Congress would cave into pressure, would not implement the Medicare cuts called for by Obama Care, and the financial model on which this legislation was sold would be destroyed, leaving the American taxpayer with a health care industry more broken than before and much more expensive than before.

- Much of this legislation was modeled after the health care reform law passed by the state of Massachusetts. Within a few years after that law was passed, costs are already out of control, the expected drop in emergency room visits never materialized, medical coverage is being curtailed, and the system was trying to delay accepting new customers.

- The Obama administration admitted a few months ago that upwards of $100 billion a year is lost through fraud and criminal activity in current government medical insurance programs. How much worse will that fraud become and how many more taxpayer dollars will be lost by implementing an even larger government health care programs without first fixing the current fraud and criminal problems?

So let's review:

1) Millions of working and retired Americans are likely to lose their health care insurance coverage from larger companies for the simple reason it is a better economic decision under Obama Care to not have the expense of insuring their workforce and to pay a much smaller fine.

2) Companies are setting aside cash reserves in anticipation of the higher costs of complying with the law, preventing them from using that money to hire more employees, conduct more research and development, and compete with other global companies.

3) Hundreds of thousands, if not more than a million Americans receiving health care coverage via their retail or restaurant jobs, will likely lose coverage because their specialized insurance programs cannot be made compatible with the requirements of the new health care reform law. Thus, rather than reducing the number of Americans without affordable health care insurance, this legislation is highly to increase the number of uninsured Americans.

4) Insurance premiums are already going up as a result of the new law, including those premiums covered by supporters of the law such as AARP.

The hundreds of billions in savings predicted from Obama Care in the area of Medicare doctor payments is likely to never materialize since even a small decrease has already provoked doctors into promising not to accept Medicare patients.

5) The one state that has a similar plan to Obama Care has experienced a nightmare of rising costs, declining coverage, and unexpected steady streams of people into emergency rooms.

6) More and larger government health care programs is likely to result in higher amounts of fraud and crime.

Why has this turning into a disaster within seven months after it was signed? The political class never understood the root causes of our rising health care costs, high costs that put affordable health care insurance out of the financial reach of millions of Americans. Without understanding the root causes, there is very little chance of coming up with an efficient and effective solution. The horror stories listed above prove this point. Higher costs, higher premiums, and fewer people getting insurance coverage, the exact opposite of what the legislation was supposed to do.

What should be done? Two things. First, this law has to be repealed and the process has to start over. It has introduced unbelievable uncertainty into the market, uncertainty that has left companies in a non-hiring mode since they do not understand what their future health care costs will be. Thus, it is better for employers to hunker down with the current workforce than to expand and possibly find out they cannot afford the additional employees due to Obama Care. Plus, at 2,500 pages or whatever the final number was, nobody in Congress or the White House understands what is in the legislation and what the unintended consequences will be.

Second, an entirely new process needs to be undertaken to understand the root causes of our high health care costs using smart Americans from a wide variety of fields of expertise and which minimizes the input of lobbyists and politicians. Obama Care never understood the underlying causes. All this bill did was take the existing money in the national health care delivery system and move it around, and then stir in additional taxation on top of everything. It never got underneath the problem to understand the reality of the situation and the root causes of ever escalating health care costs.

In an old children's song, "the wheels on the bus go round and round." In the world of Obama Care, the wheels on this bus never went round and round since they fell off almost immediately, probably increasing the number of people on the bus without insurance and raising the cost of eventually fixing the bus.

Using Smart Americans To Solve Our National Debt Crisis Vs. Using The Political Class

I know the title today is a little cruel but I believe it is true. The Federal government's debt that the political class has run up over the decades is now at shocking levels, levels that may take generations of future Americans to pay off. The issue was a major factor in the recent midterm elections and every politician in Washington is tripping over themselves to prove they can cut the budget. But since they got us into the budget mess in the first place, do we really think they are the right people to get us out of it?

An article in the October 29, 2010 issue of Businessweek does not think so. According to the article and Alice Rivlin, who sits on the President's commission to recommend ways to reduce government spending:

- The commission has excluded Medicare from their discussions, analyses, and recommendations even though it is one of the biggest and fastest growing part of the Federal budget.

- Most Republicans on the commission are dead set against any recommendations that would raise taxes.

- Democrats on the panel are dead set against any recommendations that would change Social Security.

- According to Rivlin, the commission is paralyzed by politics, even though its final report is due in only three weeks.

- Given the division on the commission, and the fact that 14 out of 18 commission members must endorse a recommendation for it to be accepted for consideration by Congress, the odds of any concept being enacted is next to nothing.

Now take this discouraging news and consider a November 20, 2010 Associated press article where the two co-chairmen of the President's deficit reduction commission revealed some of their current thinking on how to reduce the deficit:

- According to the article, both suggested that their recommendations will be unpopular and go nowhere in Congress. This raises the question then why even bother?

- One of their suggestions is to raise the full retirement age to 68 in 2050 and 69 in 2075. How does putting off these changes for at least forty years solve the short term and intermediate term national debt problem?

- Wealthier Social Security recipients would receive smaller Social Security payments. Good idea but when would this change be implemented, the next century? Talk about not taking a firm stand.

- The article also sounds the bell of pessimism that the Businessweek article predicted, namely that few if any of the commission's recommendations will be endorsed by the 14 required commission members, making the chance of any recommendation getting to Congress very low.

Even if all of the current commission proposals were implemented, the Federal budget would not be balanced by 2015, an original objective of the commission. Given that one Democratic congressman was already quoted as saying: "This is not a proposal I could support," regarding the commission's Social Security recommendations, the balanced budget by 2015 objective is pretty far away from reality.

There were several other potential recommendations in the article that the commission might propose but each has a serious flaw. One option is to eliminate all Congressional earmarks, an action that would save upwards of $20 billion a year. However, since earmarks really serve as a clandestine way for politicians to fund their election campaigns, unless this recommendation is coupled with significant election campaign reform, our politicians are unlikely to give up this source of revenue for their perpetual re-election.

Another recommendation is to eliminate the the deduction for the interest charged within mortgage payments. However, given the horrible financial shape of the housing market today, removing this benefit of owning a home would surely heap further ruin on an industry that is dragging down the economy. Thus, unless you can get the housing industry healthy enough to absorb another shock, this is also a nonstarter, at least in the short run.

A third additional recommendation is to increase the gasoline tax by $.15 a gallon to fund transportation programs. Two things wrong with this proposal. First, how is this a deficit reduction recommendation? This expands government spending and has nothing to do with deficit reduction. Second, this proposal needs to be part of a bigger strategy as it relates to having a much wider national energy policy that takes into account energy independence, global warming, infrastructure. This is a tactic in search of an overarching strategy which does not exist.

A final recommendation is to freeze Federal pay levels for three years and reduce the Federal workforce by 10%. Recent studies have shown most Federal governments employees are much better paid with richer packages than their private sector counterparts so this recommendation fits into today's reality. Given that the Federal payroll has expanded significantly under the Obama administration and we are theoretically going to trim back the size of government, a 10% reduction in the workforce also seems fair and doable, with the right leadership, a big if.

Given what we know about the President's deficit reduction commission, from both the AP story and the Business week article, it is not unfair to say it will be a failure. First, politicians are already moaning about how these cuts will affect their constituents, putting any proposal in the hole out of the gate. Second, it does not appear that there is a comprehensive strategy behind how the commission went about their business. These proposals all look disconnected and disjointed. There is a short term, immediate proposal to freeze Federal worker pay but the commission won't touch Social Security for another forty years. In forty years, most of the baby boomers will be dead, how is that effective? They want an increased gas tax which fits no overall energy strategy or structure, very disconnected.

And finally, none of these potential recommendations show any kind of creative thinking. In fact many of them are already in "Love My Country, Loathe My Government:"

However, all is not lost. Many smart Americans are working on this issue in one form or another. They are not burdened by political office so they can come up with the right ideas, not the politically acceptable ideas. The U.S. Public Interest Research Group and the National Taxpayers Union recently issued a joint extensive report, highlighting their fine analysis on how to cut Federal spending. Their analysis shows that if their recommendations were implemented, they would result in over $600 billion in cost savings by 2015. Their general suggestions include better government operations in addition to outright cancellation of some non-vital government programs. Their underlying data came from a wide range of authoritative sources and their recommendations are detailed, specific, and actionable.

Nowhere near all of their recommendations are listed below but consider their creativity, originality and detailed analyses (savings are for the years from 2010 through 2015):

1) Save $1 billion by eliminating the Market Access Program which subsidizes advertising for private American companies in overseas markets. These companies include McDonalds, Nabisco,, Fruit of The Loom and Mars. This is nothing but corporate welfare, let the companies themselves and their shareholders pay for their own advertising.

2) Save almost $23 billion by eliminating refundable tax credits for ethanol, another corporate welfare program for large oil companies that blend gasoline with corn based ethanol. Given we now have ample evidence that ethanol as a fuel additive is bad economic and environmental policy, eliminate this program immediately.

3) Save $135 billion by finally implementing the acquisition reforms identified by the bipartisan Defense Acquisition Panel.

4) Save $34 billion by finally eliminating Homeland Security contracts the Defense Contract Audit Agency has already identified as unnecessary and corrupt.

5) Save almost $36 billion by ending the process that orders obsolete spare parts and supplies for the Defense Logistics Agency, save $18 billion by ending the process that orders obsolete spare parts and supplies for the Army, save almost $38 billion by ending the process that orders obsolete spare parts and supplies for the Navy, and save over $93 billion by ending the process that orders obsolete spare parts and supplies for the Air Force.

6) Reduce the backlog of buildings owned by the Federal government that are not utilized or are underutilized. Currently, the Federal government has a mind boggling 55,000 buildings that are not utilized or are underutilized, worth over $96 billion.

Enough, their fine work goes on and on on, eventually saving American taxpayers over $600 billion. As you can see from this short list, none of these cuts would have more than an absolute minimal effect on the average American. They would be a painless way to finally reducing the size of government.

The other encouraging aspect of their work is that these two organizations usually represent different sides in all political debates and issues. They have come together despite the fact "our organizations have often differed about the proper regulatory scope of government and a host of tax policies" and "we are united in the belief that we spend far too much money on ineffective programs that do not serve the best interests of the American people." If only our political class could act so maturely and responsibly.

But they are not the only smart people in the room of deficit reduction. The Cato Institute is undergoing a detailed, line by line, department by department review of every aspect of the Federal government in search of cost savings. Their work so far is outstanding. Not only to they tell you what should be cut from the Federal budget, but why it should be cut, how much should be cut from a department, and who or what would fill the void if the government support or program went away. The brief list below does not do their work justice but does give some examples of their detailed analyses and recommendations:

1) Reduce the Commerce Department's budget by over $2 billion a year by taking a number of action which include eliminating many private sector support programs that should be paid for by the private sector, if at all.

2) Phase in Defense Department changes that would eventually save the American taxpayer about $150 billion a year. These savings would be attained by reducing the number of troops by one third while at the same time repurposing the remaining forces for the current and likely future threats to the country, not the old, obsolete ones. Cato also recommends many of the foreign deployed troops be brought back to within America.

3) Eliminate the Federal Department of Education. Although it spends over $107 billion a year, test scores and the education quality of American students has steadily gotten worse despite the $107 billion. Cato would recommend that the department be disbanded and the $107 billion budget be sent back to the states who could not do any worse job of educating America's youth and hopefully, could do a better job.

4) Cato would also totally eliminate the Department Of Energy, saving $38 billion a year. Although the 1970s oil and energy crises happened over thirty years ago, the Department of Energy still has not developed a rational and strategic national energy policy for the country. The most heavily subsidized energy projects they have funded over the years have been duds. Cato would transfer any defense energy related work over to the Defense Department and save the rest of the Department Of Energy's budget to pay down the deficit. Given the department has not done anything right or worthwhile after three decades, we can pretty safely assume that it will not reverse that trend of failure anytime soon.

5) The Cato study also does a nice job of quantifying what the savings would be per U.S. household. Just these four departments' savings would be worth just under $3,000 a year per U.S.household. None of these savings proposals would impact many households but would put almost $3,000 in their pockets every year and would be a great, annual economic stimulus.

Please go to Cato's website to fully explore their excellent work. They are probably about half way through the Federal department organization chart with more savings to come. As with the U.S. Public Interest and Research Group and the National Taxpayers Union work, the Cato work is in-depth, quantifiable, and actionable compared to what we have seen from the President's commission on deficit reduction which is simplistic, general, and nonactionable, at this point in time.

But wait, there is more hope. We know from the Business Week article cited above that Ms. Rivlin sits on the President's commission. However, she also sits on another, non-political panel that predates the President's commission. This other panel's focus is also deficit reduction and is described in the article as a "shadow deficit commission." It's sponsored by the Bipartisan Policy Center, contains both Democrats and Republicans, and is actively meeting. This shadow panel is actively and aggressively addressing the Federal benefit programs of Medicare and Social Security and the testy issue of raising taxes. Again, smart people willing to take on difficult analyses and challenges.

Just a reminder, why is all this work necessary. Consider the following facts form the Business Week article:

- U.S. government spending is on an unsustainable path with the 2010 fiscal deficit of $1.3 TRILLION accounting for an unacceptable 8.9% of the total economy.

- Between 1960 and 2000, national debt as a percentage of GDP averaged 37%. By 2020 it will be 78% of GDP if nothing is changed.

- Medicare spending is currently $519 billion a year or 3.6 % of GDP. It will likely grow to $929 billion by 2020 and will be insolvent within seven years if nothing is done to reverse current trends.

- Social Security will rise from 4.8% of GDP to 6.1% by 2035.

If these debt and deficit issues are not addressed quickly, confidence in the U.S. government fiscal solvency would rise, forcing the Treasury Department to pay higher rates on its bonds, which could trigger another economic downturn or recession which would bring greater unemployment which would bring more debt...

The real question it not how to bring fiscal sanity to the Federal government. Alice Rivlin, the Cato Institute, the U.S. Public Interest Research Group, the National Taxpayers Union have already done the heavy lifting and analysis. The only thing required is the intestinal fortitude of the political class to stand up, show a little courage and finally show some leadership.

That is why many of the newly elected representatives are going to Washington, to fix this problem. If they cannot join with the current incumbents and the President to work through this issue, for the good of the country, then we need to make sure that the 2012 elections are another bloodbath for incumbents, including the President. The numbers are reality, the numbers do not lie. Americans want this change, hopefully the politicians are smart enough, for once, to do it.

State Governments: Immobile, Going Broke and High On Wine

Many state and local governments are heading towards financial insolvency as a result of their state employee pension and retiree medical liabilities. Consider an article from the October 18, 2010 issue of Businessweek magazine:

- According to a study by the University of Rochester and Northwestern University, there could up to as much as $3 TRILLION in unfunded state workers' retirement liabilities. This comes out to about $26,000 worth of debt burden for every family in America.

- One reason for the problem is that state governments have historically been very generous with the way they funded the retirement plans of their state employees. According to the U.S. Labor Department, state and local governments paid $3.04 per hour toward each state employee's retirement in 2007 compared to $.92 that private companies paid for their employees.

- The median state government pension plan had only 76% of its obligations covered as of this summer.

- Six cities, Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Jacksonville, and St. Paul Minnesota, will run out of pension money by 2020 if nothing changes.

- Other state government programs, such as drug treatment centers and after school activities, are being starved for funds and curtailed in an attempt to meet these huge retirement obligations.

Now consider some individual state situations:

- According to a recent online article by the Washington Examiner, the state government of Maryland has $33 billion in unfunded pension liabilities.

- According to the Stateline organzation website, West Virgina has a $7.4 billion shortfall in its state government retiree health care system.

- According to the Houston Chronicle, the Texas state government has a $38.5 billion shortfall in its retiree fund.

- According to an online National Review article, the state of Ohio would have to dedicate 100% of its the next 8.75 years of its revenue stream to fulfill the current state government employee retirement liabilities, excluding any future liabilities. Obviously, if this was theoretically to happen, all other state funding would bet set to zero for almost nine years, i.e. no teachers, no state police, no roadwork, etc.

- Virgina recently closed a $4 billion shortfall in its operating budget partly do to the fact that it did not pay the required $620 million into its state employee retirement fund, raising the possibility of a larger shortfall for the funding down the road.

Why single out those five states? It ties into another recent article that was in the October 25, 2010 issue of Businessweek entitled: "Pouring Government Money Into Merlot and Chardonnay." Apparently, despite possibly being $3 TRILLION in the hole just for state government employee pension benefits, all fifty state governments have some kind of program of giving state taxpayer money to in state wineries. The article points out the following examples:

- The state of Maryland, despite a $33 billion shortfall, has paid out over $80,000 to six in-state wineries to both plant more vines and expand production capacity. Knob Hall Winery received $8,000 from the state to plant 4,000 vines. The winery has lost money every year since it opened in 2006 and will be unprofitable again this year. Thus, the state of Maryland is not even funding a profitable private endeavor.

- The state of Texas, despite a $38.5 billion shortfall, allocates $2.3 million a year of taxpayer money for wine research, marketing, and grants, nine times what it allocated in 2005. Thus, as the economy got worse, more taxpayer money went into the in-state wine business.

- The state of Ohio, despite swimming in red ink caused by its out of control retiree liabilities, spent more than $1.1 million in subsidizing its state wineries last year, up 38% from the previous year.

- The state of Virginia, despite a multi-billion dollar budget shortfall, dedicates $1.3 million of its budget to support its state wineries.

- Although the West Virginia state government winery support dollars are not in the article, consider the financial status of the Forks of Cheat Winery in West Virginia. The winery is 22 years old and has yet to turn a profit. Wonder how many West Virginia taxpayer dollars are going to support this long time unprofitable operation?

- According to a spokesperson from the American Sommelier Association, it usually takes over two decades, if then, for a new winery to become profitable.

As a result of their outsized retiree pension liabilities, the states are rapidly facing bankruptcy, find themselves cutting other vital human services in order to pay for these retiree programs, but somehow think it is a good idea to subsidize unprofitable private businesses. How many drug treatment centers could be kept open in Texas if it diverted that $2.3 million winery subsidy? How many more teachers could Ohio keep on the payroll if they diverted the $1.3 million they spend?

And it is not just the states. According to the article, the Federal government, that government level with over $13 TRILLION worth of debt, will spend $500,000 of Federal taxpayer money just to help Virgina wineries, it will spend $40,000 to encourage alternative vine growing strategies in Idaho, and will spend $9,000 to improve highway access to wineries in Colorado.

Obviously, stopping all winery subsidies will not cure the states' pension program problems and will not balance the Federal budget. However, these subsides are no more than examples of corporate welfare and should not be a responsibility or priority of any government entity, there are just too many problems, both financial and human, that need to be addressed with limited funds. How many other industries in each state and throughout the country receive taxpayer dollars? Add up all of those subsidies and you are probably talking about some serious dollars.

If a winery cannot be profitable on its own, it is not the state's duty to keep it alive. In doing so, other vital financial needs go unmet. This is the concept that New York Times columnist David Brooks talked about several weeks ago, our "immobile government." Government in America today has become so burdened down with bad priorities, poorly structured, poorly negotiated, and poorly financed retirement plans for state workers and corporate subsidies for failing businesses such as wineries, just to name one, that vital services, services that could positively and materially affect regular individual citizens, go wanting. Drug treatment centers, school funding, infrastructure improvements, etc. cannot be done because the political class has done such a poor job of immobilizing government at every level with bad and burdensome priorities.

The question of whether state governments and the Federal government will be able to fix their financial status and shake off the bondage of immobile government is the greatest challenge facing the country today. We can only hope that the politicians can find the courage, respect, and knowledge to fix these dire problems. We owe it future generations of Americans to present them with a workable, financially strong and mobile government structure and we can pay no higher respect to the sacrifices our veterans have made than to fix the country they so bravely defended so many times and restore the freedom that immobile government steals away.

Cash Before Payday For You Instantly

You must have faced monetary problems in the middle of the month because of your unplanned budget, or may be because you have insufficient salary. Now you do not have to be troubled by these troubles. Cash before payday is there to help you in such monetary crises. You only need to fill an online application and all is done to benefit these advances. There are no credit checks. These loans are made available to both creditors with good credits and with bad credits. These finances are made available to you so that you can over come your urgent financial needs.

These loans are short term advances and therefore carry huge interest rates. There are many finance companies providing short term advances these days you may check with the other companies for cheaper interest rates. These loans provide great help for you. Even poor credit holders can avail for these loans. These loans provide you with easy advances. They are less time consuming compared to the traditional method of banking. You are not restricted to use these cash you can use these cash as you want.

You can avail for £80 - £1500 for a period of 1 – 30 days you must repay this amount in time or before the due date. To benefit these services you need to give an online application. The lender may ask you your address, cell number, work experience, bank account number and so on. The borrower must make sure that the given information is true. These loans can be used in any way i.e. you can pay off your electricity bills, water bills, medical bills and any pending expenses.

To avail for these finances you must be a dweller of UK. You must be employed with a regular income. You must be above 18 years of age. And you must have a bank account against your name. You must convince the lender that you are capable to pay back the borrowed amount.

What You Need To Know About Upgrading Retail Point Of Sale

When Paul Yates, director of systems development, was tasked with upgrading the retail point of sale (POS) system across a UK retail chain, he focused on ensuring the longevity of the new retail point of sale system.

Working with a retail POS systems expert, he first identified the retail issues that needed to be resolved. The wish list for improvements included increasing the speed at which changes were rolled out to retail at the store level, improving stock identification at retail POS, and enhancing access to customer data collected at retail POS, both for reporting and marketing purposes.

Next, retail POS software and hardware enhancements were identified and sourced, before the program of replacement and training could begin.

As Yates explains, retail POS "system lifespan is not necessarily measured in years. I believe that the measurement criterion is its fit with our business needs. If a system is fit for those needs, then it has a lifespan ? when there is no fit, its lifespan is over."

What are the issues with your current retail POS system?

Identify the areas where your current retail POS system is failing your business. Do you need to integrate stock management between retail POS and a Web-based ordering system? Does connection between the retail POS and the back end occur in batches, and if so, does this cause issues when it comes to reordering stock? Is it possible for an online customer to order the last pair of shoes or item of clothing in his or her size only to find the item was sold in store during the day?

Once you have identified where your retail POS architecture is holding your business back, you can plan the changes that will have the most impact on your return on investment.

Do you need a retail POS system that will integrate with legacy hardware and software?

Look at your existing retail POS equipment and determine if it is suitable to carry forward into the new retail POS system. Are your bar code readers, chip and pin machines, and receipt printers platform-independent, or are they tied to proprietary retail POS software? Is your back-end office running accounting software that web-based retail POS systems will export to or integrate with?

Identify any legacy software or hardware that your new retail POS system must accommodate, and check with retail POS software and hardware suppliers that their products will be compatible before purchasing any retail POS software or hardware.

Is a web-based retail POS system better for your business?

Software as a Service (SaaS) is increasingly popular because it can reduce retail POS upfront licensing costs. Instead, fees are usually monthly and set, making it easier to budget for. Another bonus is that software upgrades are instantaneous throughout the system, meaning your retail POS software stays as up-to-date as possible. It is also robust, eliminating reliance on a single item of hardware, with connectivity from any Internet-enabled PC. That means, provided your retail POS hardware is industry standards compliant, it should be able to plug and play with your retail POS web-based hosted service.

When considering whether moving your retail point of sale system to a web-based hosted service would be more cost effective, and future-proof your retail point of sale, check whether the retail point of sale portion of the software connects and synchronizes with the back end office in real time or near real time.

If the retail point of sale software connects in real time, does it have an offline mode? If it does, your apparel retail chain will be able to continue selling clothing, or shoe stores keep the footwear moving at the retail point of sale, even if your Internet connection lets you down. In most cases, a brief outage between retail point of sale and back-end office in a web-based retail point of sale software system will have little impact. However, you might want to consider keeping a back-up mobile broadband connection so that even if your landline goes down, your retail point of sale software stays up and running.

retail point of sale

Currency Trading: A Novices Look At Currency Trading

There is a lot to learn when you decide to start currency trading. The currency trading market is called the Foreign Exchange Market, the Currency Market, or most commonly, the Forex. This is one of the largest markets in the world. It is traded on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The market is, for the most part high risk, and the more a person knows about Forex, the more successful they will be in trades. This short article cannot begin to give you all of the information you need to begin trading. Even currency trading for dummies will require time and study to accomplish.

In it's simplest terms, Currency traders (traders), bet on currency exchange rates between specific countries. These rates can change by the minute and are based on many factors. The Forex is a completely level playing field. No one gets information ahead of time. Successful traders have systems and indicators that help them to recognize a change in direction for a certain currency and act on it proactively. It takes time and study to learn how to develop this speculative talent.

The most telling impact on currency in a country can be seen by the people of that country. Wars, arms, a death of major leaders, all affect the currency exchange rate. The global economy is affecting currency exchange rates around the world. Individuals who are speculating on when this currency will change direction have an opportunity to see significant gains in their portfolios or to lose substantially.

Traders try to predict fluctuations in the exchange rate and bet on the pairs that will give them the largest gains on their bet. When one country's currency is being traded against another country's currency, it is call a "pair". All of the major pairs that are traded involve the US dollar. When a currency pair is being traded that does not involve the US, it is called a "cross currency pair." An example of a cross currency pair would be EUR/JPY (Euro/Japanese Yen). The most actively traded cross currency pairs are the EUR, JPY, and the GBP (sterling pound or British currency).

There are a couple of important things to know about how the pairs are shown. First, the stronger currency is traditionally listed on the left. So, when you see EUR/USD, you know that the Euro is stronger than the US dollar. This stronger currency, the one on the left, is called the "base currency." The base currency is what you buy or sell. So, if you buy 10000 EUR you are automatically selling 10000 USD.

"Secondary currency" or "counter currency" is the currency on the right. This currency will determine your gains or losses when you trade. For instance if you buy 100 EUR and simultaneously sell 100 USD, you have made +50. Why? Because the EUR is worth 100 and the USD is worth 50.

There are thousands of these trades taking place every minute of every day. The rates move and fluctuate very quickly. Your success as a trader depends on your ability to read market fluctuations and make trades proactively. You will find pairs that are extremely high risk and pairs that are very low risk. Knowing the how much risk you can afford to take will determine which pairs you focus on in trading.

As you can see, this is just a teeny little peek at what there is to learn. Currency trading for dummies is not a short topic. You will want to learn about strategies and methods. You will also want to discuss Forex with successful traders through websites and blogs to learn what strategies they use and what they have tried that didn't work. When you are looking at programs and tools, you will need to do some research to make sure they have been written by a person who really is a successful trader and that the program they are selling is consistently successful.

Emergency Cash Advance Loans Approved In Less Time

Just before the month commences you very soon realize that you have many pending bills, receipt and bad debts to clear. Many start to panic since they know they do not have enough finances to fund all the expenses and maintain their livelihood. Hence, emergency cash advance loans have been intended for this purpose.

The sum offered under these credit ranges from £80 - £1500 and the repayment term of this amount is 1 – 30 days. The process of application is very simple and less time consuming and takes only a few minutes. The application form is available online. The lender then verifies your information to make sure that you have submitted the right information. Once your application is accepted, the amount is deposited to your bank account in 24 hours time.

You must remember that these advances are made only for urgent requirements. You should not restore the routine of taking this finance again and again as this can lead you to a ferocious cycle of debt burden. You can also avoid taking these advances by planning a budget in your monthly pay. These credits are provided without any credit check.

Now days, there are many financial institutions coming up which provide you instant finance. There are various schemes you only have to make an attempt to visit these institutions or the web site that provide this information.

These are the excellent methods to clear your pending bills. The lender does not restrict you for using these finances in any way; you can clear your pending bills like your car repair bills, medical expenses, school fees and so on.

The conditions that are put forth by the lender to apply for these advances are as follows:

• Needs to be a UK civilian.

• Needs to be above 18 years of age.

• Needs to have a bank account.

• Needs to be employed in a UK organization for at least 3 months.

• Needs to have a regular income.

Doorstep Loans Quick Financial Help At Just A Click On The Mouse

Looking for instant cash then you are at the right place. As the name suggests doorstep loans provide you advances at your doorstep. These funds are very swiftly approved in less than 24 hours time. There is no need to stand in long queue. These loans help you to cope up with your monetary crises.

These advances can be used to pay off your car repair bills, electricity bill, mobile phone bill, and so on. There are no conditions put forth by the lender in how to use these advances. There is no credit check. These funds can also be availed by bad or poor credit holders.

You can avail a sum of £50 - £500 this amount can be used for a period of 1 – 30 days. The repayment period can be extended with a prior notice to the lender. If the borrower fails to pay the borrowed amount in time the lender charges, him a penalty for the delay made in repaying the amount. However, the lender must convince the lender that he is capable to repay the borrowed amount in time.

To avail the advance you only need to fill an on line application. The lender may ask your details like your name, address, phone number, work experience and so on. The application process is very simply as it is available on line. As these finances are swiftly approved, they carry a little high rate of interest.

Although there is no credit check, there are some other requirements which the borrower should accomplish. Hence, the applicant should be a UK citizen and should be working in a UK institute. He should be working for at least 3 months with a regular income. At the same time, the applicant should be above 18 years of age and should also have a bank account against his name.

Live Long And Prosper With POS Retail Software

No one ever starts a business thinking that it will fail. The goal of any business endeavor is to grow and make money. With the economy of today, that may seem like a challenge. All around, we are seeing increased fees for medical services, higher taxes, and the fear of investors and loan sharks has never been higher. If you, as a retail chain owner, still have any hope for the potential of your company, it will be essential for you to invest in Point of Sale (or POS retail) software. The organizational and protective elements of POS software systems will enable to you go onward and upward in your business pursuits.

Upgrading to the POS software service is a necessary improvement for your business. Beginning with inner security, the POS software system is one that will protect you from any possibility of employee theft. How? The design of the POS software system is an intelligent one. Every item that is sold is instantly credited to your inventory. As the sale is totaled and the sales tax is added, the POS software system will calculate the change to the inventory spreadsheet, alerting you of the change. You will then be able to assess whether the amount of inventory still in stock matches the amount of revenue gained. If there are inconsistencies, you can then take further measures to ?correct" the problem with the guilty party. This becomes the ultimate in inventory management.

The protection of a POS software system reaches even further. There is a danger of fraud on many levels, including credit card fraud. The POS software system not only tracks the sale and all of the order placements, it will also be able to act as a security guard, right there at the checkout. If a client hands you a credit card, the POS software system will be able to determine, at the swipe of the card, if there are funds available to pay. If the answer is negative, you may then ask for another form of payment without wasting time or having trouble with credit card companies later on. The POS software system essentially works as the ?force field" that keeps your business?no matter how many locations that includes?safe and sound.

Besides the security measures a POS software system offers, the organizational benefits are spectacular. The POS software system you install will pool all of your many spreadsheets and information files into one easy-access system. In fact, the recommended POS software company to look for in the first place will actually offer a hosting of your software as a service (SaaS) in real-time. This will allow you to access the important information on your business from almost anywhere at any time. The POS software system will fill the need of having accountants or other organizational help that will take more time and money to put into place. The sales and services of all of your locations can be integrated into one great pool of POS software organization. And with the POS software company managing your system, you can more efficiently manage your business.

Your business is meant to flourish. With a POS software system as the assistant to you, the commanding officer, your chances of encountering success are great. By investing in a quality POS software system, you are sure to live long and prosper in your business pursuits.

POS Software

Doorstep Loans A Sensible Choice

To meet your small requirements doorstep loans are a best option. These funds help you to keep your increasing debts under control. These finances are approved instantly and you do not need to wait for long. They help you to fulfill your requirements instantly without any delay. Hence, it a very handy fiscal tool that you can use to increase you credit score.

These advances allow you an amount that ranges from £50 - £500. In addition, the repayment period is suitable to you it is 1 – 30 days for such a small amount. Hence, it proves to be very beneficial for your small fiscal needs.

The applicant can easily get these finances online. To avail these advances you do not need to go through any credit check they are also given to bad credit holders. Moreover, this loan is approved in a very short term and gives you the desired amount on your home itself.

However, the applicant should not put under by the convincing features portrayed in this deal and refer to different sources to make an appropriate choice. This is possible if the applicant carries out a research and applies to an institute that offers this form of cash at suitable interest rates. Simultaneously, he should keep in mind that he must repay the amount on time. If he extends the duration, then he will have to bear the brunt and pay a high penalty fee.

Implementing the above procedure, the applicant should also see to it that his ability corresponds with the eligibility conditions put forth by the lender. This includes that the applicant should be an adult of UK base with a fixed and regular source of income. In addition, it implies the need for him to maintain a valid bank account.

There are a number of websites that allow the applicant to gather information on this form of cash. At the same time, he can make a decisive choice through this mode and avail the amount with suitable rates.

Simple Call Center Services for Simple Businesses

There are many successful call center companies in the Philippines today that many companies and businesses in the Philippines can choose from. One of the most popular and highly recognized call center companies in the Philippines today is Magellan Call Center.

According to industry experts, Magellan Call Center is one of the few local call center companies in the Philippines which gained a lot of respect in the industry. This is because of their services which further added to the success and growth of the call center industry of the Philippines. This is all because of their business answering service aimed for small and medium companies in the Philippines.

Business Solutions for Growing Businesses

The call center industry first gained a lot of popularity when a number of third-party companies and agencies in the Philippines have introduced live answering services for their clients other than the usual email response and managing services that they started with. Popular live answering services include customer care and technical support.

Because of their expansion, the demand for the same service escalated in the market, which triggered the growth of the call center industry in the Philippines. To accommodate the growing demands for call center companies and agencies, a number of call centers were introduced in many business and commercial districts in the Philippines and one of those include Magellan Call Center.

Like many other call center companies and agencies in the Philippines, Magellan Call Center started small. However, since the demand for call center services was overwhelming, Magellan Call Center and a number of call center companies and agencies had gained success in the industry in no time.

However, part of what made Magellan Call Center successful was not only because of their collection of customer care and technical support services, but also because of their small business answering services which gave them their unique edge in the industry.

Most of their services are simple call center services such as order taking services and reservation services, which are typical types of small business answering services because most business and companies that make use of these include hospitals, clinics, restaurants, hotels, and many more.

Magellan Call Center’s Contribution

Although simple, these types of call center services are what made the call center industry more in demand. This made the industry more accessible to many businesses, and not only for those that require customer care and technical support services, but also for those that wants to improve their services through the use of call center services.For more information visit to our site http://www.magellancallcenter.com/

Foundations of a Successful Call Center Company

There are many successful call center companies in the Philippines today which have also gained a lot of respect in the Philippine market, particularly because of their services. One popular example of these call center companies includes Magellan Call Center.

Foundations of a Successful Call Center Company

According to industry experts, the reason why the call center industry of the Philippines had grown so much in only less than a decade is because of the industry’s reliability and professional service to companies and businesses not only in the Philippines, but also to the many offshore companies outsourcing their call center services in the Philippines.

However, the main reason why the industry had grown is because of the success of their service which caters to any business types, from small business to large corporations and companies. One popular example of a call center company that offered such services is Magellan Call Center.

Magellan Call Center was founded in 2005, a time in which the demand for call center services have significantly grown in the Philippines, and that the number of call centers wasn’t enough to accommodate this growing demand.

Though operated small, like many other call center companies in the Philippines, their services proved to be valuable for many companies and businesses in the Philippines. Some of their most popular services include order taking services and reservation services.

Success from Simple Services

According to many call center experts, these services are some of the simplest forms of customer relation services that can be offered in the industry, which is unlike most sophisticated services that other call center companies have provided such as technical support and customer care, as well as a number of business-to-business services.

However, though simple, these order taking services and reservation services are what made Magellan Call Center successful in the industry. Part of the reason is because these simple services were rare in the past, and that most of these services are directed to small and medium businesses and companies in the Philippines, such as hotels, restaurants, clinics, hospitals, and many other companies.

These simple and affordable business solutions allowed small and medium companies to focus more on their core business rather than expanding their business to include their own call center department, which is much more costly compared to hiring a third party company.

Eventually, Magellan Call Center became one of the most successful and highly recognized call center companies in the Philippines for their services, such as order taking services and reservation services, which gave small and medium companies the advantage of call center services as well as the company’s dedication to offer successful call center services for their clients. For more information visit to our site http://www.magellancallcenter.com/

Guide to Pub Tenancies

There is no question that pub tenancies vary from pub to pub and brewery to brewery. Depending on what you are looking for will depend on the type of pub you end up with and the type of tenancy you take on. Taking on a pub tenancy can be an excellent career and lifestyle choice. There are pubs up and down the country that are for rent and anyone regardless of background and experience can take on the lease. Are you looking for a new career or a new direction in life? Running a pub could be the very thing that you are looking for. If you are new to the pub game or are just curious as to what it is involved in a pub tenancy then read on.

As mentioned, tenancies vary from pub to pub. A standard length of time however is 3 years and of course there is always the opportunity to renew the tenancy at the end of the agreement. It is not a great idea to undertake a tenancy for less than 3 years because you need a decent amount of time to ensure you have the best chance of making the business a success. Like any business, running a pub can be hard work. You need time to implement changes and see the returns. Whilst there are some privately owned public houses in the UK, a large number are owned by breweries. It is the breweries that provide the tenancy agreement. As well as providing some or all of your drinks, they will also act as your ongoing business partner providing help and assistance when necessary.

The tenant and the brewery have clear roles in a tenancy. As the landlord you are in charge of running the pub from day to day. That means you are in charge of marketing, recruitment, management and everything else necessary to open up and maintain a successful pub business. The brewery is in charge of any major structural repairs and maintenance for the building because they own the premises, but you are responsible for minor repairs and tasks related to the building. You are also required to maintain fixtures and fittings and equipment used. For example if a wall needs painting or the dishwasher breaks, as the tenant you will organise and pay for repairs. If the roof is leaking or an exterior wall needs repointing, the brewery will step in to ensure the repairs are carried out.

When you become a pub landlord you are required to have some upfront capital. It does vary depending on which brewery you are dealing with, but generally speaking you should expect the following initial payments:

- purchase of the fixtures and fittings from the outgoing landlord.

- purchase of all glassware, catering equipment and other equipment necessary to running of the pub.

- purchase of all existing stock from outgoing landlord

- deposit payable to the brewery. This figure varies depending on size and location of pub but you should budget for several thousand.

You will also need to have a sum available as the working capital to get the pub up and running. This figure is a fixed amount that the brewery allocates per pub. For the lease of some pubs you may be required to have many thousands of pounds available as working capital. For smaller pubs with fewer overheads you may not be required to have as much.

Once your application has been accepted you will be handed the keys to your very own pub business. You are able to run the pub as you see fit. You can introduce food to the establishment if you wish, perhaps organise some theme nights too for extra revenue. If there is no pool table then you could even provide a games room. You can go as far as you wish with your pub under your tenancy agreement. Pub tenancies are a great way for people to live the dream. Having the brewery as pub partners ensures you have help and advice on hand and can get your business off on the right foot.

5 Principles In Business Card Creation

Business cards or also known as the calling cards are considered as one of the most powerful tools in marketing today. If you have to get good market recognition, you need to have effective business cards. It is always a must for you to send or give out your business cards to many people in many different places to get good market reach. Your business cards are your representative so it important that you have it designed and printed well. Likewise, your cards need to use high quality materials to give you a professional and reliable image. If your business card is lacking one of these things in one area, the whole purpose of investing your money in creating and printing these cards will just be a waste. To improve your skills and know-how about business cards, below are some of the principles that you can consider.

There are usually so many different online printing companies that offer different business card designs. But most of these designs are common and have been used by many other businesses. So, be sure to choose a unique and memorable design. Look for a good online printing company who will design only for you and always ask them to guarantee you that they will not use the design that they have made for you to their other customers.

1. Do not stuff so many things when it comes to your business cards. Keep in mind that your card does not have enough space, so always make it simple, attractive, and professional.

2. When you hand your business card to someone, he or she will first look at your business logo. Therefore, it is very crucial to highlight the logo of your business. Be sure to create an attractive and compelling logo.

3. The choice of color and especially the background always matters. You can always use the colors which are related to your business theme. If you do this right, you will have a good and suitable business card for your business.

4. Using effects on your business card is also a great idea. These effects can include lamination, matte filing, embossing, UV coating and the ink rose. All these said effects will aid your business card to look better and become a good marketing tool that will effectively promote your business in the market.

5. There are so many different online printing companies that are available in the internet nowadays. Check out each of them; always check their online portfolios to know how capable they are in handling your printing job. Once you are satisfied with their work sample, it is now time to check their prices. Do they have a reasonable price? Do they give some discounts for first time customers? These are the things that you should always think off for you to attain a good and high quality business card even with just a limited budget.

There are also some online printing companies that offer bundled packages in printing. Trying these offers will help you save money since these offers are sometimes budget friendly and provide a good output. Always keep in mind not to make any compromise when it comes to the quality of the printing. If some printing company asks for a high fee in printing your business card templates, you can also consider getting their service since they will also provide you with a first class output.

For comments and inquiries about the article visit: http://www.printplace.com/printing/business-card-printing.aspx

Real Estate Financing Betting Big in Saudi Arabia

According to our latest research report “Saudi Arabia Housing Sector Outlook”, despite a big slump in the economy, Saudi Arabia continues to attract massive investments and remains favored destination for real estate developers around the world. Real estate investment is expected to grow 33% Y-OY in 2010. Recovering oil prices, continued government stimulus, and gradual relaxation of bank lending are some of the important factors attributing to the growth of the residential real-estate market in the Kingdom. Advancements in the housing construction will amplify real estate financing industry to grow over 33% CAGR growth by 2013.

The study inferred that although the Kingdom is witnessing huge developments in the housing construction, housing market still suffers from large demand-supply gap due to rapid expansion of expatriate population along with domestic population and declining household size. Moreover, majority of the Kingdom’s populace does not have their own houses and live in rented houses. These factors coupled with other market drivers are expected to propel the stupendous growth of the housing industry in near future. The trend will boost housing finance sector developments and the Kingdom will witness additional market players entering in the market.

Major developers are moving ahead with a series of multi-billion-dollar real estate projects in reaction to this anticipated demand. Riyadh, Makkah, and Eastern Province, which collectively account for around 70% of the kingdom’s population and economy, are expected to receive a serious thrust in their real estate and housing industry growth. Our report, “Saudi Arabia Housing Sector Outlook”, is an outcome of extensive research and conceptual analysis of the Saudi Arabia housing industry potentials. The report provides information/statistics on industry trends, demand drivers, its components, and supporting financing structure. Detail data and analysis will help investors, financial service providers, and global real estate players in navigating through the latest trends in the Saudi Arabian housing industry.

Most importantly, the report also provides future forecast on the industry based on correlation of past drivers, challenges, and opportunities for expansion. In this way, the report presents a complete and coherent analysis of the Saudi Arabian housing industry, which will prove decisive for clients.

For FREE SAMPLE of this report visit: http://www.rncos.com/Report/IM213.htm

Check DISCOUNTED REPORTS on: http://www.rncos.com/promotion.htm

Number of DTH Subscribers to Flourish in India

The Indian broadcasting market is on the verge of a revolution. Since its inception in 2003, the Indian Direct-To-Home (DTH) TV industry has been growing at a rapid pace. The reason for high growth in DTH subscriber base can be attributed to the fact that, quality of service delivered by DTH is superior compared to cable or any other medium. As the DTH TV industry is currently in its growth phase, it is expected to attract a large number of subscribers in near future. As per our new research report “Indian DTH Market Forecast to 2012”, the number of DTH subscribers is projected to grow at a CAGR of around 14% during 2011-2013.

We have found that DTH service providers are offering a number of attractive channel packages to their subscribers. Keeping in mind the social status of different customers, the DTH companies provide a wide range of subscription prices and the comfort of switching between packages as per their requirements. The availability of choice is driving the DTH market. Our report has also studied other factors and key marketing strategies that are contributing in the growth of the market.

Our research shows that despite adding millions of subscribers annually, the profitability of DTH players is still on the darker side. Acquiring new customers alone does not insure the profitable results; in this regards operators are making efforts to convince customers to migrate to higher packs. In response, the average revenue per user (ARPU) is steadily increasing in the country. We have examined all the emerging market trends in our report.

Our study reveals that, despite an encouraging market performance, some roadblocks still exists, which may distort the growth trajectory of the industry in coming years. Our report provides recommendations, which are essential for companies to sustain in the market and for industry’s growth. Our report also presents future outlook for subscribers, operators, ARPU’s, and set top box. The report contains comprehensive information about all the DTH service providers in India, with focus on in-depth analysis of their strengths and weaknesses.

For FREE SAMPLE of this report visit: http://www.rncos.com/Report/IM198.htm

Check DISCOUNTED REPORTS on: http://www.rncos.com/promotion.htm

Starting Your Own Business - Printers For The Home Office

For many sole traders, setting up a home office is a convenient and easy solution for doing business - it means your daily commute is just 20 steps from the bedroom. The right equipment, of course, is key to any successful business operation. In addition to your computer and work station set up, have you thought about a printer for your home office?

How will a printer help my home office?

These days, many of our day-to-day business operations are achieved without paper. We use email, PDFs and attachments - upload them, download them, send and receive all with a click of a mouse. However, if you're serious about doing business, a printer becomes an essential part of your home office equipment for:

- Records & finances - printed and filed invoices are still a part of the preferred way of accounting for most business transactions - it makes record keeping and archiving easy. They can easily be matched to monthly banking statements and quarterly business activity.

- Presentations - whether you're making the big pitch or looking for investors, a well put together presentation can make a definitive impression. Meanwhile, a clean printed letterhead also establishes a level of professionalism when communicating with prospective clients.

- Scanning & faxing - today's all in one printers double and triple as a scanner, photocopier and fax machine unit as well. This means you don't have to invest in separate pieces of equipment - saving your business money and space.

Printers for the Home Office

Here is just a part of Canon's extensive range of printers that are great for home office use:

- PIXMA - Canon's PIXMA all-in-one printer range is perfect for the home office. These inkjet printers achieve high quality prints, with the PIXMA MX870 capable of delivering 9600 x 2400 dpi for exceptionally detailed and smooth images. Meanwhile, functions such as Auto-Duplex, wireless connectivity and the ability to print A3 documents, makes this range exceptionally versatile and able to meet all of your home office needs.

- LASER SHOT - quick and speedy, Canon's LASER SHOT laser printers are the perfect way to print high quality and flawless documents efficiently. If you're looking to do some high volume printing, these are the ideal machines for the fastest output capabilities, with the LBP6650dn clocking speeds of up to 33 pages per minutes - so you could, in theory, print the 1483 pages of War and Peace in under an hour! LASER SHOT printers are designed for networking in small workgroups, so they're perfect for sharing printing between teams of a few people as well as in a home office setting, as you can access the printer for both home and office use.

- imageCLASS - for high quality laser printing combined with multi-function convenience, look no further than Canon's imageCLASS printer range. These advanced multi function printers are ideal for small and home offices looking to consolidate their printing, faxing, scanning and professional photocopying into a single desktop solution.

No matter what your business, there is a home office printer for you. Visit the Canon website to see our range of home office and small business solutions.

How to Do a Free Trademark Search

One of the main reasons to do a free trademark search is to find if anyone else already has trademarked your intended trademark. That's because once a trademark application is filed and approved by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) the US government will not register the same trademark again.

After you file your application the USPTO will search their records looking for reasons to reject your application. Since the USPTO doesn't refund any fees you can save yourself money and time by doing a trademark search before filing your application.

Search for a Trademark On Line

There are a number of ways that you can do a free trademark search. One of them is by going online in order to find both registered trademarks as well as pending trademark applications. You can search for trademarks that are registered in the United States at the Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) website.

Do a Free Trademark Search In Person

Alternatively, you can visit o a Patent and Trademark Depository Library (PTDL) and do your search in person. Patent and Trademark Depository Libraries are located in each of the fifty states.

Does Your Trademark Include Graphics?

If your trademark includes graphic design elements then you will also have to search for it using a design code. In order to find the proper design code or codes you will have to consult the Design Search Code Manual, which you will be able to find at the USPTO website.

Search for Conflicting Marks

Next you will need to check the current status of any trademarks that can potentially conflict with either your application or your registration with the Trademark Applications and Registrations Retrieval (TARR) system, which you can also find at the USPTO.

However, even you do don't find the mark present in the database you should still do a common law search. That's because not being in the database doesn't necessarily mean that it isn't being used currently as a trademark.

A Brief Overview of a Common Law Search

In order to do a common law search for trademarks you will have to go beyond any government records. This could involve checking yellow pages, phone directories, state trademark registers, industrial directories, the World Wide Web, and more. The purpose of doing a common law search is to find out if a trademark is already being used by someone else who has not necessarily filed for their federal trademark registration.

The reason you need to do this is because federal registration isn't required in order to establish trademark rights. Common law rights result from actually using a trademark.

For the most part, the first person or company that uses a trademark in commerce or files an application with the USPTO on the Internet will ultimately have the right to use that trademark and its registration.